6 AI in Corporations and in the Media

Smart Apartments

In November 2015 Massprivatei.blogspot.com ran a blog about Smart Apartment (yes, here we have the word “smart” again). The blogger wrote that IOTAS’ CEO, Sce Pike, claims their surveillance technology allows your home to know you and become your ALLY!, [Smart apartments are spying on everything we do, op. cit.] (Emphasis in original). The blogger continues,

…IOTAS partners with property developers and owners, to install apartments with smart outlets, light switches, and motion sensors before they're rented. The typical IOTAS apartment has about 40 sensors in it! [Ibid.]

Just as this blogger points out, it will be difficult to opt out from forty smart sensors. Also, many of these smart sensors use biometrics, such as voice, facial recognition, and fingerprints. In light of what we have discussed thus far in this book, it is probably quite obvious to the reader by now why the corporate world, which is answering to the AIF, wants all this information about you; it will all be used in their research and data gathering leading up to the Singularity and the Super Brain Computer (SBC).

I warned my readers already in the Wes Penre Papers to watch out for the word smart in the media; it always means surveillance and control. Now, after the fact, we see the word “smart” in more and more instances. IOTAS writes on its website (my emphasis),

Everything is about to change.

Right now entrepreneurs everywhere are bringing to life everyday objects by integrating smart technology; allowing us to learn, control and enhance our daily experience. The business opportunity is enormous, estimated by some to be $70 billion by 2018 with as much as 9 billion new connected devices. This movement is coming to the home in a big way, and IOTAS will help lead the way for rental properties [iotashome.com, op. cit.].

This is obviously the planned future for cybernetic humans, sugar-coated by the corporate world so that people believe it’s all for their convenience and benefit. This is exactly why knowledge is so important. How many times have I repeated that since I started writing the Wes Penre Papers? If we don’t grasp as much as we can about our past, our present, and the potential future that is being planned for us, we all will willingly and enthusiastically walk right into the slaughterhouse faster than cows.

Moreover, the blogger at Massprivatel points to other companies that quickly want in on these smart apartment sensors, including insurance companies, and they will all be capable of spying on the residents. Beneath the article, a reader writes in the comment section,

I install this crap for a living, and it is all crap. It is beyond my comprehension why anyone would want to allow this stuff in their home.

"Look, I can unlock my door with my smart phone. Oh crap, the battery is dead, what do I do now?"

"Hey look; I can turn my water off, I can turn the radio off, I can turn the lights off, I can lock the doors, and watch my indoor cameras (footage of which is stored in the cloud); and it only costs me $80 a month. Isn't it neat?" [smart apartments are spying on everything we do, op. cit.]

I had a person in my home just a week ago repairing our heater system, and he told me exactly the same thing as the person in the quote, with the difference that our repairman was very proud and happy about his remote access. He, too, gleefully paid $80 a month for it.

Next page: Smart Cities

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