5 The Race for Immortality

Google and Longevity

Google is a search engine, isn’t it? It’s actually the great wonder of search engines, compared with earlier versions when the Internet was younger. For those who didn’t know, Google is not just a search engine that “spiders” the web (read, spins the net), working hard to give us what we want, so we can find what we need on the Internet. Google is in fact a mighty sensor of information, a spy organization, and it is supporting the Movement; AI and life extension in particular.

We have discussed earlier that when mankind becomes cyborgs, they will be more or less immortal, but the term cyborg indicates that they will be both biological and artificial. The Controller will have no problem with keeping the artificial part “alive,” but what about the biological part?

Fig. 5-3: Google under the loupe.

This is, as usual, where nanobots come into the picture, being a crucial part of the immortality process, just as in most parts of the Singularity Movement. Once these nanoparticles have taken over the bloodstream and the immune system, there is really not much left of the body that’s human. The bloodstream—the endocrine system—is a very important part of the soul/mind of the human experience, and we sometimes notice that after blood transfusions, the person who receives blood from someone else might slightly change their personality afterward because blood has memories contained in the DNA of its previous owner. These memories will then be transferred to the person who receives blood after an accident, etc. In a similar way, nanobots and the SBC can easily change or erase our personalities.

California Life Company (Calco) and Alphabet (is this a play on Alphabet Agencies, such as CIA and NSA?) are two companies that are funded by Google; both companies are doing life extension research, according to an article on the scientific recode.net website. None of these Google-funded companies are trying to solve the immortality issue, but they are working on preventing diseases that usually affect the elderly. They are basically working on producing a pill that can extend life. Home Health and Hospice, for example, will be obsolete in the future, if the Movement succeeds with their plans.

Wherever there is a demand, there is research, assuming there is money to be made. Also, where they can save on resources (workers), they will, if it’s cost effective.

What can be done by robots, will be done by robots!

In fact, at the University of Illinois, scientists are developing drones that can do the job better than humans, according to New York Times, Dec. 4, 2015, As Aging Population Grows, So Do Robotic Health Aides. This scientific group of scientists has received a $1.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation in order to work with the idea to develop small drones that can do small household chores, such as getting medicines from another room to give to a patient or a sick person at home. In the big scheme of things, this may sound as a simple and rather insignificant task to spend millions of dollars on developing, but we must remember that this is just a step on the way, and it’s all just a dog-and-pony-show anyway. The Controllers need to show the public that progress is being made incrementally; they can’t just dump it all on us at once. The step-by-step disclosure requires funding, and these funders of phony projects are the taxpayers, and ultimately, the funding comes from the Black Budget. Again, this technology is decades old, and no such development is necessary, but the Controllers also love to funnel money into different projects to make it look more legal and convincing.

The purpose is, of course, to introduce a totally robotic healthcare system where nurses and doctors become obsolete; at least in the most common everyday tasks. The robots will already be programmed with all the knowledge a doctor needs, and it will know how to use it on patients. Readers might think this can’t be obtained in hundreds of years — if ever, but this new system is more or less ready to be put in place, as we shall see in a later chapter. But until we get to that part, let’s discuss this agenda in the order that it’s apparently planned to be released.

Imagine a sick elderly person, who is homebound; either living by himself/herself or together with an elderly spouse, who is too worn down to be able to assist with their partner's needs on a daily basis. This is normally where Home Health comes into the picture. Today, we live in a very stressful society where every minute counts, and only those who are able to keep up with the pace will survive on the job market in the long run. A Home Health visit should take a minimal amount of time, or the Home Health nurse will get in trouble with his or her manager. The nurse has a certain number of visits scheduled for one day, and he or she needs to get them done, and in addition, they need to chart - on all of the patients before the workday is over. This is nearly impossible if the nurse is also supposed to provide good patient care (although this is required as well), so shortcuts are being taken. The shortcuts are either in patient care or on the charting. However, any of these two shortcuts can severely jeopardize patient care, but staffing is so minimal that the single nurse believes that there is no choice.

Fig. 5-4: Dr. Naira Hovakimyan of the University of Illinois with a small drone that may eventually be able to carry out household tasks, like retrieving a bottle of medicine, for older adults. Credit: Daniel Acker for the New York Times.

In the very near future, there will be a solution to this, but the solution will not aid the nurse; on the contrary, he or she will no longer be needed. Drones and robots can do the job better; at least this is how the Controllers and their appointed scientists are thinking. A robot does not forget what it’s doing during the day, and charting will be obsolete because everything that happens on a robot’s workday will be registered immediately, from second to second, and stored in the robot’s memory bank. This memory bank will then be stored in a cloud, similar to the cloud we are using today, where we store files and back up our computers, and thus, what is stored in the cloud becomes part of the patient’s health records (more about these “clouds” later).

Potentially, the robot can take more time with the patient and perform any task necessary. However, there are two major immediate problems with this, and these problems are, 1) there will no longer be any employment for Home Health nurses, and 2) human touch and interaction go out the window. The patient now has to speak to something he or she knows is not human and has no soul; it’s only sterile hardware and software, programmed with artificial intelligence. Although the human nurse may have been stressed, just having a human being there can bring some comfort to the patient. This has not been calculated into the equation when developing this new kind of “aid.” And why should it? Both the Controllers and the scientists know that the future will be robotic and artificial.

The New York Times writes Dec. 4, 2015 “As Aging Population Grows, So Do Robotic Health Aides,”:

Dr. Hovakimyan [University of Illinois] acknowledged that the idea might seem off-putting to many, but she believes that drones not only will be safe, but will become an everyday fixture in elder care within a decade or two.

“I’m convinced that within 20 years drones will be today’s cellphones,” she said.

Her research is just one example of many approaches being studied to use technology to help aging people.

Even though fully functioning robot caregivers may be a long way off, roboticists and physicians predict that a new wave of advances in computerized, robotic and Internet-connected technologies will be available in coming years to help older adults stay at home longer.

Keep in mind that all this technology that we are swamped with on a daily basis has an important objective in mind — immortality. This is an imperative part of the Singularity. Each small development is a step in that direction; regardless if it’s obvious or not.

If we think of the original human body, which was One with our soul and mind, and if the nervous system can be seen as a tree — the Tree of Life — the Overlords now want to give us back some of what they took from us — eternal life — but not in the same way we were originally experiencing Infinity and Eternity. Instead of ending the illusion of separation and give us our spiritual unity back (spirit/mind/spiritual body), they give us an immortal physical body! Gone is the freedom factor, which is replaced with nanobots that are controlling our endocrine system and our nervous system. Eternal life, which was once a gift from the Queen of the Stars, now becomes the ultimate trap and the ultimate control factor.

Some inventions, such as the drones in elderly care, may seem as a benevolent and caring initiative, and it’s true that to some degree people can be helped by these technologies for now, but this is also part of the plan. They want people to believe that the technology, developed and released now, is for the good of humanity. The same thing is true for transplants of body parts to people who really need them and are forever grateful that it could be done. This is then blown up in the media, and the average person feels very happy for the injured or sick, who could be helped back to a more functioning life this way. Also, somewhere in the back of people’s heads they feel a little safer; because on a more selfish note they think that if they may be in a similar situation, there is hope for them.

As I’ve repeated over and over, virtually all research is tested in the military first, before it’s released to the general public; the soldiers are the guinea pigs. Typical examples of this are soldiers coming home from war, wounded and often with missing limbs. Artificial limbs, at first genuinely meant for soldiers, are then successfully transplanted, and it’s all over the media. This is a perfect introduction to AI and the transformation of mankind into cyborgs.

On January 18, 2016 Irish Times wrote In a future brave new world will it be possible to live forever?:

…while the replacement body seems much closer to science fiction than science, recent advances in robotics and prosthetics have not only given us artificial arms that can detect pressure and temperature but limbs that can be controlled by thoughts using a brain-computer interface.

Nell Watson is a futurist at the Silicon Valley based Singularity University (SU), the institute we discussed earlier, cofounded by Ray Kurzweil. One of Watson’s jobs is apparently to introduce the idea of a new virtual-reality-type-of-life. She says,

“I often wonder if, since we could be digitized from the inside out – not in the next 10 years but sometime in this century – we could create a kind of digital heaven or playground where our minds will be uploaded and we could live with our friends and family away from the perils of the physical world.

It wouldn’t really matter if our bodies suddenly stopped functioning, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. What really matters is that we could still live on.” [Ibid., op. cit.]

It’s all in the making, but it’s more around the corner than they are willing to admit in public, albeit Dr. Kurzweil doesn’t exactly hold back.

Just to give some extra meat to what I have explained so far about nanobots, Dr. Watson promotes them in the following manner:

“There are experiments using DNA origami. It’s a new technique that came out a few years ago and uses the natural folding abilities of DNA to create little Lego blocks out of DNA on a tiny, tiny scale. You can create logic gates – the basic components of computers – out of these things.

These are being used experimentally today to create nanobots that can go inside the bloodstream and destroy leukaemia cells, and in trials they have already cured two people of leukaemia. It is not science fiction: it is fact.” [Ibid., op. cit.]

Thus, Dr. Watson acknowledges that nanobots, and what they can do with them, is not some hypothetical science fiction, but is something that is already happening. It means that the nanobots we are breathing in from chemtrails and get into our system via different medicines and vaccines can be used remotely and basically do anything that is programmed into them. Dr. Kurzweil wants us to debate his ideas, bringing up both the benefits and the dangers, so there we go — the obvious danger with nanobots.

Dr. Watson further muses that nanobots will be able to communicate with each other in our personal cyborg bodies and between bodies as well.

Then, connected in a spider web fashion to a super brain computer, we will all be connected with each other. This will lead to a world without privacy, which The Irish Times also points out. Following this, people would most likely dedicate themselves to self-censoring instead of leading meaningful lives:

Dr. Fiachra O’Brolcháin, a Marie Curie/Assisted Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethics, Dublin City University, whose research involves the ethics of technology, is very critical to the current technological development towards Transhumanism.

“This is one of the great ironies of the current wave of technologies – they are born of individualistic societies and are often defended in the name of individual rights but might create a society that can no longer protect individual autonomy,” he warns. [Ibid., op. cit.]

AI and morality is something that is discussed to some degree in mainstream media at this point, but what is morality? Who will define it? Obviously, the morality of the Administrators and the average person on the street are light-years apart. Who is going to establish what kind of morality the New World Order should use as guidelines? I dare say with absolutely certainty that it won’t be you and me.

Next page: Artificial Consciousness

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