Raymond Kurzweil is still relatively unknown to the great majority of people. Since his mid-teens, he has been on a passionate mission to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI), but his ideas actually started already in his earlier childhood.
In 1953, at the age of five, he decided that he wanted to become an inventor. At the age of seven or eight, he built a robotic puppet theater and robotic games. When he was twelve years old, at a time when computers were rare and not in the public domain, he took a great interest in them and built computer devices and statistical programs. Although his father, being a musician and a conductor and his mother being a visual artist, the family often discussed technology at home, further inspiring the young Ray to later in life become a brilliant inventor and computer scientist. He invented the charge-coupled flatbed scanner, the first print-to-screen reading machine for the blind He also developed the first text-to-speech synthesizer, named Kurzweil K250, which was able to simulate the sound from instruments, such as the grand piano - Ray Kurzweil Biography. These are just a handful of inventions he's completed over the years.
In 1999, he received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation from President Bill Clinton at the White House, and in 2001, he received the Lemelton-MIT Prize; the largest prize in the world for innovation, making him $500,000 richer - wikipedia Ray Kurzweil. He is also the author of seven books, of which The Singularity is Near (2005) is the latest. It became a New York Times best seller and is the book that I frequently will refer to because it is his most recent book, making it relatively up to date concerning his vision of the near future.
The predictions Kurzweil has made thus far have been eerily correct. In fact, he is said to have a 30-year track record of accurate predictions - ray kurzweil biography and - ray kurzweils mind boggling predictions for the next 25 years Many of his ideas and visions can be read on his websites: kurzweilAI.net and singularity.com. He is claiming that KurzweilAI.net has three million new readers every year. However, it's not very difficult to be prophetic when the agenda is already planned out in great detail.
Also mentioned on the same website is his appointment as a Director of Engineering at Google in 2012, “heading up a team developing machine intelligence and natural language understanding.” - Ray Kurzweil biography
I will show later in this book how important Google is for the development and the promotion of AI, and now, with Kurzweil joining its team, we've already seen great progress in Google's own contribution toward the end goal—Kurzweil's Singularity.
Fig 1-1: Ray Kurzweil and Stevie Wonder with a Kurzweil Music synthesizer
I found this little section about Kurzweil on Wikipedia quite interesting (my emphasis),
"For the past several decades, Kurzweil's most effective and common approach to doing creative work has been conducted during his lucid dreamlike state which immediately precedes his awakening state. He claims to have constructed inventions, solved difficult problems, such as algorithmic, business strategy, organizational, and interpersonal problems, and written speeches in this state." - Ray Kurzweil Creative approach
This quote speaks volumes. We discussed in the Wes Penre Papers how different entities work on people in dream state. Some do this to help people increase their awareness, but the Overlords do it mostly to support their own puppets in order to make sure that they get the tools they need. It is quite apparent that interdimensional beings who are supporting Kurzweil's mission also are assisting him in his dreams.
Next page: Bill Gates on AI and the Singularity
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