“The other AI concern is one that Hollywood has been using for years as a theme and that is the rise of the ‘Terminator’ type being and the struggle to survive against an army of hostile shape-shifting robots being run by a self-aware AI called Skynet". – Dr. Amnon Eden. [Sunday Express U.K., Jan. 18, 2016: “The Terminator could become REAL: Intelligent AI robots capable of DESTROYING mankind,” op. cit.]
Fig. 15-3: Dr. Amnon Eden.
There is at least one timeline here on Earth in which mankind is going to experience AI in full, and with that I mean AI that is fully sentient, self-calculating, and murderous. I don’t know how many times I have stressed it in this book, but make sure you are not on that timeline, unless you want to be a bee-hive cyborg. Always create your own space around you, have your own dreams and goals, and let these energies simmer out in your immediate environment (Universe), e.g. your home town and whatever other places you might travel to on a fairly regular basis. Include the environment you can be in control of and have some influence in.
Fig. 15-4: Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator from 1984.
Dr. Amnon Eden is principal of the Sapience Project, a think-tank that has been formed to look at the potential disruptive impact of AI, and he is mighty concerned about its development. He asserts that we must think about the consequences of what we’re doing. If we let AI develop freely and let their intellectual influence develop side by side, there will, sooner or later, come a time when “killer robots” will attack mankind; not only on the battlefield, but everyday civilians, too. He says we’re close to a point of no return. [Ibid. op. cit.] He thereby supports Oxford Professor Nick Bostrom, who has said that “nothing has been done to control the advance of AI". [Ibid. op. cit.] The other concern, says Bostrom is that;
“the other AI concern is one that Hollywood has been using for years as a theme and that is the rise of the ‘Terminator’ type being and the struggle to survive against an army of hostile shape-shifting robots being run by a self-aware AI called Skynet". [Ibid. op. cit.]
While Stephen Hawking predicts that robots will be more intelligent than humans in 100 years, Bostrom goes even further, saying that “robots will define the forms of human existence". [Sputniknews.com, Jan. 6, 2016, “Rise of Machines: Robots Could Wage War Against Humanity by 2055”]
Fig. 15-5: DARPA’s army of robots, aka “LAWS".
Killer robots in wars already have a specific term attached to them. They are called LAWS, which stands for Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems. These robots are designed by DARPA to kill without being controlled by humans. This leaves humans totally defenseless. [Sputniknews.com, May 29, 2015, DARPA’s Autonomous Killer Robots Will Leave Humans Defenseless] Moreover, these killer robots, of course, feel no empathy and will kill everything in their way that they compute to be an enemy. However, will they really be able to always determine who is “friend” and who is “foe”? The good news (for now) is that great concerns were raised over this new invention, and the United Nations called for a global ban on such killer robots. [Ibid.] However, we know how the song goes; if something such as LAWS has already been developed, it will be used, sooner or later, regardless of current bans. The MIC will find ways around it.
Although public opinion on the subject has been surveyed, and 8 out of 10 people want to ban robots used for aggressive purposes, [Activistpost.com, Nov. 11, 2015, “New Study Reveals That Most People Want To Ban Killer Robots”] little of this will be taken into consideration in the long term, if we look at the history of the MIC.
I am aware that I am mostly addressing the development of AI in the US Military, but I want to stress that the US is only one of multiple countries that are working on the same, and similar, projects.
Next page: Consciousness can never be Duplicated
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