Students! The solution has finally arrived! Yes, this is it. The day that you have been waiting for your whole life. Just like how you have seen it in The Matrix. What is it? The invention of the stimulator that can upload knowledge to our brain. Yes, it is now real. See how sci-fi movies can be so helpful in creating awesome ideas? But is this really good for the human race? We all know its advantages, but what are the untold disadvantages that this stimulator could give to us? Is it something we should fear in the future? Let’s see.
Feeding knowledge directly into your brain, just like in sci-fi classic The Matrix, could soon take as much effort as falling asleep, scientists believe. Scientists Finally Discovered How To Upload Knowledge To Human’s Brain
Scientists can now also turn on and off certain regions of the brain. This is done so that a person can concentrate on a specific task that the research scientists want them to focus on. However, what does this mean? It means, of course, that anybody who is in control of the human brain and the Super Brain Computer in the future can turn off and on certain regions of the brain as they wish, just as easy as turning on and off a light-switch! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that this is a very sophisticated way of applying mind control on an entire population at once, if desired. Nonetheless, Michio Kaku and other AI gurus, advise us to be optimists, not pessimists; “it’s the optimist that creates our future.” I think I’ll jump into one of the “parallel universes” that he writes about instead, as long as he is not there.
This is the way the AI-agenda scientists plan to create the Super Brain Computer; they will scan each individual’s entire brain to save the personality, skills, and history of each person and upload it to the SBC; similar to how it’s done in the computer world. [Kurzweil, “The Singularity is Near,” Chapter 4] Two major reasons why they put nanobots in chemtrails and medicine are 1) to have as many people implanted with nanotechnology as possible, instead of doing it on a one-to-one basis, and 2) these nanobots will come in handy when it’s time to upload people’s brains to the SBC.
Kurzweil writes:
To capture this level of detail will require scanning from within the brain using nanobots, the technology for which will be available by the late 2020s. Thus, the early 2030s is a reasonable time frame for the computational performance, memory, and brain-scanning prerequisites of uploading. Like any other technology, it will take some iterative refinement to perfect this capability, so the end of the 2030s is a conservative projection for successful uploading.
We should point out that a person's personality and skills do not reside only in the brain, although that is their principal location. Our nervous system extends throughout the body, and the endocrine (hormonal) system has an influence, as well. The vast majority of the complexity, however, resides in the brain, which is the location of the bulk of the nervous system. The bandwidth of information from the endocrine system is quite low, because the determining factor is overall levels of hormones, not the precise location of each hormone molecule. [Ibid., Chapter 4, p. 164, op. cit.]
This means that the AIF plan of having everybody on this planet infested with as many nanobots as needed will be achieved by the end of the 2030s—and this is a conservative prediction!
Next page: Bring in the Universal Soldier!
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