Max is a scientist, whom the reporter calls Mad Max, but in a friendly way. Max is carefully studying human facial expressions and particularly people’s eyes. He then simulates on a computer what he picks up of human emotions that are showing in our eyes. Eye expressions, together with face expressions, can now totally simulate a real human in a way where it’s impossible to distinguish which person is real and which is artificial. In a YouTube video, which has now been removed, Max showed the reporter stunning computer simulations of human facial expressions. I found it virtually impossible to distinguish the simulated face and eye expressions from those of a real human being.
What Max is actually doing is reverse engineering the human brain; all according to the video. What he is attempting to do is to copy human consciousness. If the reader thinks about it, this is one of the scariest parts; particularly as the scientists are actually succeeding, which is shown in the video. It’s not that they can copy the human soul, but instead they copy all our emotions and make them adequate to any given situation. [ YouTube Video and Sophia's Intro]. The target is, of course, to put one of these AI out on the street — maybe in the middle of a busy shopping mall — to see how people react. They might let the AI buy something from a store to get a closer reaction from humans passing by, or with whomever the AI might communicate, and they may possibly try other things of a similar nature. If the AI passes the tests, the scientists know that they’re on the right path. However, we are shown videos such as this one to prepare us for what is already a fact: AI bodies are already out there in the malls and nobody notices!
If we do a survey out on the street, any street in the world, and ask people if they have heard about Mad Max, or about projects similar to his, I would speculate that not more than one out of a thousand would have heard of it, although it’s out there for anyone to see and hear.
Just to demonstrate the naivety of many people, one of the newest trend is tattoos that flash from underneath and light up, so that the tattoo can be seen in the dark. This means that when we’re out shopping in the dusk or in the dark, we will pass people who are flashing like Tivoli signposts! [, Nov. 11, 2015, “Latest Biohacking Trend Is Implanting Arc Reactors Under Your Skin.”] Also, little do these people know that their implants more than likely are stuffed with other, more malevolent nano-particles that can track them and perhaps change their behavior.
If we keep the Mad Max video in mind and think in terms of his and his colleges’ research being used on 3-D humanlike robots, we can see how the following emotional robot that can respond to people, using human feelings, can easily be integrated with Max’s virtual reality construct.
Multimedia 13-3: Emotional robot, “cloned” from her creator (as above, so below).
Nadine, in the above video, who is “cloned” from her creator, a prominent AI scientist, is still quite mechanical in her responses and emotions, but it won’t take long before that “flaw” is remedied, taking Mad Max’s research into account.
For decades, information has leaked out, where whistleblowers have told us about the so-called DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), spread out all over the United States and in other countries as well. In many of those facilities, advanced genetic experimentation is going on. In those DUMBs, whistleblowers claim to have seen dead or alive embryos, as well as full-grown creatures, resembling something from a person’s worst nightmare. Such hybrids are apparently being created in secret, in a very similar way to how it was done in ancient Atlantis. Aside from the hybrids and mutants created deep underground, away from people’s scrutiny, these sick experiments are all part of the genetic research. This research is bound to lead towards solutions to reach the Singularity and beyond — this is what it is all about.
To illustrate that Posthumans are not going to be in charge in the post-Singularity era, we need to consider what a famous visionary, author, and Insider conveyed more than 400 years ago.
In 1627, Sir Francis Bacon’s utopian novel, New Atlantis — A Work Unfinished [Bacon’s book can be downloaded at in different versions, including an online version] saw the light of day. Bacon was the head of the Rosicrucian Order at the time, and his vision was to establish a New Atlantis on the recently discovered new continent — America. We have been led to believe that Bacon came up with the idea, and then the Founding Fathers initiated this idea, approximately 150 years later, deeply inspired by Bacon’s work. This is very unlikely. Many Founding Fathers, including George Washington and those who signed the Declaration of Independence, were confirmed Freemasons, and some of them were also Rosicrucian. The Founding Fathers were certainly inspired by Bacon, but the idea of a New Atlantis came directly from and his son, Marduk. This idea was later planted into Bacon’s mind, and he probably channeled the idea and wrote the book. Some historians, such as William Hepworth Dixon, even suggested that Sir Francis Bacon should be included as one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. [New Atlantis]
Although nothing in Bacon’s book indicates any genetic experiments, his utopia includes secret societies that will rule over the rest of the people; even over the Government, led by a mysterious king. Only in vague terms does he hint at who this king might be, but there is only one man in the book who is called wise, and this man is whom interpreters believe Bacon hinted at was going to be the ruler of the New Atlantis. Being a Rosicrucian, and possibly a Freemason, there is little doubt whom Bacon is referring to. The Lord of Wisdom in the ancient texts was Poseidon, aka This becomes even more evident with the Founding Fathers’ Declaration of Independence. Freemasonry has always been Lucifer’s/’s/Poseidon’s/Neptune’s Secret Order, and The United States is a Freemasonic institution. Higher up the hierarchy, in their inner circle, Freemasons learn that Lucifer is God.
Fig. 13-3: Sir Francis Bacon
After all, Freemasonry is just a modern version of the Brotherhood of the Snake, which was one of the first secret societies here on Earth, and it was created by Lucifer/ around the time of the Garden of Eden (see the Wes Penre Papers). Barbara Marciniak’s Pleiadians also tell us in plain language that America is’s Experiment, and they say this as if it is something that we should be proud of. [Marciniak's miscellaneous lectures from 2014 to present.] It’s obviously’s experiment; if America is the New Atlantis, it is of course Poseidon’s Old Atlantis revived.
One of the stratigic purposes for America has always been to establish this continent as the cradle of a new human species and the extinction of an old human race (us). The Overlords look at time here on Earth as being cyclic, and we are now approaching the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new.
Quite recently, mainstream media has started bombarding us with information regarding genetic engineering and the manipulation of DNA. The debate is ongoing and both pros and cons are presented in an endless stream of information and partial disclosure. If I were to go into detail about all the articles I have in my archives on this subject from 2014 to 2016 alone, I would have to write an entire book only on that. Instead, for the reader’s convenience, I’m listing some articles below, as references to this debate, and I’m also including some quotes from the articles and making some comments where appropriate,
1), Jan. 6, 2016: Your robot double is ready to roll. (on Doppelgängers):
“Telepresence robots represent you from afar, allowing you to roam corridors with co-workers, glide into offices for private chats and continue conversations in the company cafeteria. The Burlingame, California-based company wasn't the first to the technology, but it did pioneer a less-expensive approach by mounting an Apple iPad tablet atop a stalk with motorized wheels.”
2), May 27, 2014: Forget Robots. We’ll Soon Be Fusing Technology With Living Matter.
“At the conference, WIRED sat down with Joi Ito, the director of the MIT Media Lab and one of the event’s planners, to discuss this phenomenon of convergence, where bits from the digital realm are fusing with atoms here in the physical world (see gallery above). Experimentation is spreading, he says, and it won’t stop at gadgets. For Ito, the next great engineering platform will be living matter itself.”
3), Oct. 19. 2015: Researchers Perform First Surgery on the Human Genome.
"We have the same genome in all of our cells, yet cells perform totally different functions,’ says Aiden. ‘That has to do with the fact that different genes are on and off in different cells. How that is managed is in part by the loops of DNA that they form. Think of an origami-like situation - you start with a blank sheet of paper, but whether you can fold that into a hat, plane or crane is a matter of folds. And its function - as a hat, plane or crane - also depends on those folds.’”
4) USA Today, Mar. 15, 2015: Sirius founder envisions world of cyber clones, tech med.
“There will be continued advances in software that we see throughout our entire life,’ Rothblatt told a packed audience in the cavernous Exhibit Hall 5 during her keynote speech. ‘Eventually, these advances in software will rise to the level of consciousness.’
Rothblatt is the founder of Sirius Satellite Radio, current chief executive of United Therapeutics and was recently named by Forbes as the highest-paid female CEO in America. She is a transgender activist and a trans-humanist philosopher who believes technology will one day grant humans eternal life.
At the keynote, Rothblatt described how the inevitable emergence of cyber consciousness – when machines act with a sophistication and thought level equal to that of humans – will not be overnight but a more subtle evolution.”
The last article deserves a special comment here because it mentions an important issue. Rothblatt is a transgender activist, which is significant. What the Controllers and their Minions are working on is to make us confused about sexuality and what is normal and what is not, and eventually they want us to get used to transgenderism, homosexuality, androgyny, and even pedophilia, being just as normal as common heterosexuality. First, they want us to accept that “anything goes” in terms of sexuality (including pedophilia), and then they want us to start thinking in terms of androgyny. This is, as explained in the Wes Penre Papers, the original state of humankind, so the Overlords are confident that we, with a little manipulation, will have our ancient memories re-stimulated and thus accept androgyny. The reader may ask, why androgyny? It’s the future! When we’re tightly tied into the SBC, they want us to eventually stop having sex with other humans, and instead have our sexual desires satisfied in the new holographic world they have already started dumping on us — the virtual reality within our different devices. The AIF doesn’t need us to reproduce anymore, once we have “eternal” life. If they lose too many cyborgs for any reason, they can clone existing Posthumans. Therefore, they want us to get used to the idea of first becoming androgynous and then most likely making us infertile. To begin with, people are going to have their sexual desires stimulated in the virtual reality environment, but after a while, Posthumans are most likely going to lose their sexuality altogether.
5), 2015: How would you engineer a baby? I mean really, actually do it.
“Next week, in Washington, D.C., the world’s experts on a powerful new genetic-engineering technology called CRISPR will convene at the National Academy of Sciences for a historic meeting at which they’ll consider calling for a global moratorium on anyone trying to use the technique to make genetically modified babies.
The worry is that changing the DNA of the next generation is unsafe and a slippery slope toward eugenics. Yet many of the scientists attending the Washington meeting won’t be there to ban the technology, but to trade tips about how, exactly, they might be able to do it right.”
6) The Telegraph, Nov. 12, 2015: First genetically modified humans could exist within two years.
“Humans who have had their DNA genetically modified could exist within two years after a private biotech company announced plans to start their first trials into a ground-breaking new technique.”
7), March 13, 2015: American scientists are trying to genetically modify human eggs.
“Several teams of researchers around the world are believed to be working on ways of modifying the chromosomes of human egg cells with a view to moving towards “germ-line” gene therapy, as the process is called. Germ-line refers to the “germ” cells – sperm and eggs – that pass on genes to future generations.”
The next presentation (ref. #8 below) is an 11-minute long YouTube video that I really recommend that you watch. However, a warning is in order, because this video includes some very disturbing pictures of hybridized animals. If you can stomach it, I think it’s very educational at the same time because it tells us what is being done in many of these DUMBs (underground bases). The presenter is using excellent references.
8) TruthRevealed777, Feb. 3, 2016: Human Animal Hybrids EXIST! DNA Manipulation and Modification ARE REAL!!!
9), Mar. 19, 2015: After Terminator Arm, DARPA Wants Implantable Hard Drive for the Brain.
“…What's more, a quadriplegic woman with sensors implanted onto her brain controlled one of the robotic limbs to grab a cup, shake hands and eat a chocolate bar. She even flew an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter simulator using just her thoughts.”
10), Oct. 12, 2015: Rat Brain Reconstructed in a Computer.
“Scientists have digitally recreated a slice of a juvenile rat's brain — including 31,000 brain cells, of 207 different types, with 37 million connections.
The computer-simulated brain achievement is part of the Blue Brain Project, whose aim is to create a rat brain and, eventually, a human brain inside a computer [Wes’ emphasis].”
11), Aug. 17, 2015: Russian scientists create artificial brain that can educate itself.
“An international team of scientists at a laboratory in Tomsk State University in western Siberia have created a device that could be an artificial carrier of a natural mind, able to learn and react to the environment [Wes’ emphasis], according to a press release, published by the university on Monday.”
12), June 4, 2015: Humans will become hybrids by 2030, says leading Google engineer, with tiny robots scurrying around our brain to help us think.
“In the near future, humans’ brains will be helped out by nanobot implants that will make us into “hybrids”, one of the world’s leading thinkers has claimed.
Ray Kurzweil, an inventor and director of engineering at Google, said that in the 2030s these implants will help us connect to the cloud, allowing us to pull information from the internet. Information will also be able to be sent up over those networks, letting us back up our own brains.”
3D printing, or Additive Manufacturing, is when you make solid 3-D objects from digital files. This is a relatively new thing for most people in a jungle of technology, and the majority of us have a hard time wrapping our heads around how it actually works, at least in its extremes, as we shall soon see.
Multimedia 13-3: 3D Printing; how it’s done
The above video explains 3D Printing quite well, even if it may still be difficult to grasp how something such as this can actually work. 3D printers now work so well that we can buy them for our businesses and our home. All we need is special software where we can create the blueprint of the object we want to print, and then we send that blueprint to the printer. The printer then creates the object by printing layers of the blueprint programmed in the software. This is done by having the material you want to print being sent through a tube into the printer by first melting it inside the tube. Once the melted material hits the plate on the printer, it cools instantly.
Plastic is the most common material used in 3D printing today (for public use), but this process is certainly not only meant to be used for plastic, although in general, you can do quite a few amazing things with plastic, too.
Another thing you can print is food. Again, the software creates the blueprint structure of the treat or food item you want and sends it through the tube, which contains a melted form of the food or treat you want. A 3D Printer for your home today costs from $250-$2,500! [, “What is 3-D Printing?”]
However, it’s when we add the medical field to the equation that it becomes really interesting. Bioengineers and doctors can take a cell from a human and print a cloned body part in 3-D. Examples of this would be 3-D printed organs for transplants, which can now be done.
Moreover, giant printers in China printed over ten houses a day at a cost of less than $5,000 per house. In the media, this is presented as very cost effective, and people will potentially gain from it when it comes to health issues and quick transplants of organs that are built from our own cells because the organs will not be rejected by our body - no lifetime of anti-rejection medicine needed.
3D printing seems to be the tool for the future, and probably, in its improved forms, will stay with mankind and Posthumans for some time. We live in 3-D, and we need 3-D parts. However (and I know that this may seem way out there for some), once humankind is hooked up to the SBC and has been transformed into Posthumans, with expanded mental capacities and with assistance from technology, they will probably soon be able to “3D print” with their minds.
In the below video (Multimedia 13-4), the reader can see in more details how 3-D printing is working, and it starts getting a little creepy.
A head, such as the one in the picture below, can be created from a picture of yourself, which is placed in the appropriate software and printed. Does this mean that anyone in the future can clone himself or herself in as many copies as he or she wishes? Maybe the person doesn’t want to go to a party and sends a clone instead (tongue-in-cheek)?
There is now something called bioprinting, where human tissues can be used to create an entire human. Livers, kidneys, windpipes, and bionic ears, just to use a few examples, have already been printed with relatively good results. [The Telegraph, Feb. 11, 2014: “The next step: 3D printing the human body”] There are currently ongoing debates on this subject, and ethical boards want to determine who exactly should have the legal rights to print organs and body parts. At least in the beginning stages, it will be illegal for a household to print body parts or, in the future, fully working clones of themselves. The types of printers that can do that will most likely not be available in the public domain. Even though this might be the case, it doesn’t make it less chilling, however. Think about what these people who do have access to such printers can do. The possibilities are almost endless…
Don’t doubt for a moment that this is real; fully functional humans can be 3D printed in the near future. We know that scientists have been able to create fully functional clones for decades, but now they are going mainstream with this. In an article in Feb. 16, 2016: “Researchers Have 3D-Printed Usable Human Bones and Muscles” revealed that scientists can now 3D print usable human bones and muscles. This is how it works, according to
Senior study author Dr. Anthony Atala, who directs the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center made his wish for this kind of tech known back in a 2009 TED talk. “We really would like to use smart biomaterials that we can just take off the shelf and regenerate your organs,” Atala said.
And he has just gotten one step closer to that dream, while helping to close a massive organ shortage gap. In the U.S. today, 121,460 people are on the waiting list for an organ transplant, with a new name added to the list every ten minutes, reports the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Every day, 22 people die while waiting.
Atala’s organ-printing system could help solve this problem. Based on a whole new kind of 3D printer technology, the system outputs an object with two different printing methods. The first is a harder plastic-like tissue-building material that shapes the body parts, while the second, a delicate water-based gel ink, holds tissue cells in place.
The printed body parts also come with a system of built-in channels, so nutrients and oxygen from the body can flow into the new tissue after it is implanted. This keeps the printed parts alive and helps them develop into working parts of the body. [Ibid. op. cit.]
We’re waiting, not so excitedly, for the next “revelation,” when researchers announce that they can 3D print an entire human body; including the brain. We won’t need to wait long.
“If McDonalds offered a free Big Mac in exchange for a DNA sample, there’d be lines around the block”
– Bruce Schneier (American cryptographer and computer scientist).
Next page: Becoming Gods
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