Robots now Look like Humans

At the time of this writing, there is still a mix of metallic robots and new, more humanlike robots. Albeit, some of these who are more humanlike may have human skin and even look like humans at a first glance, if you didn’t know they were robots. However, there is one crucial part that’s missing—the soul and the human consciousness. Anyone with any insight can see it in their eyes (see fig. 10-7):

Fig 10-7: Humanlike android, “Erica,” and her creator, Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro. [The Guardian, Dec. 31, 2015, Erica, the 'most beautiful and intelligent' android, leads Japan's robot revolution]

It’s easy to see who is the human and who is the robot when you look at the young girl’s eyes. It’s almost as if looking into a postmortem person’s eyes—there is no one home. The rest of the face is well done, but if the soul’s presence is not there, this series of advanced robots still can’t fool many observers, except perhaps initially. However, they are gradually getting there. Erica, the young robot in the above picture, is still just a prototype, and when the Administrators controlled scientists are done releasing the final products, these robots are going to be so much more sophisticated and have all, or most, human traits—including emotions. Most alternative analysts of the AI claim that robots and androids will not be able to duplicate unique human emotions and consciousness, but they forget one thing—a well-produced robot may be a prospective container for a human soul.

No one who understands that we, Homo sapiens sapiens, were created in the 3-D reality by and his science team, should have any doubts that they wouldn’t be able to duplicate that procedure again; only this time they are using more hardcore, solid energies instead. Back in old Atlantis, Lord (Neptune/Poseidon) and his team of scientists created the strangest looking creatures, who they thought could be helpful to the AIF, and then they seduced souls to inhabit these bodies. However, at first they were so poorly made that the souls vacated these awkward bodies. No one wanted to occupy them, and those who did, would rather commit suicide than keep their monster bodies. [Misc. channeled Pleiadian lectures.]

I am sure the MAKH [see below] scientists (the Orion scientists, i.e.’s team) learned from this and can either force a soul to stay by using the usual amnesia program, or even better—they can further develop “Erica” until she is almost as perfect as a human biological body, but still an android. This has already been done, but it will take a while longer before the general public is permitted to see it. They will all be experiments in Artificial Intelligence to see what kind of body type Posthumans will prefer, once integrated into the Singularity hologram.

MAKH is Orion language. The root to this word consists of the words MA (for Mother) and KH (for the KHAA, or the Void). Thus, MAKH means Mother of the Void, who is the Queen of the Starsthe Orion Queen. The MAKH scientists are therefore “scientists of the Queen.” Once was the Queen’s scientist, but he rebelled. He still was educated as a MAKH Scientist. From MA in MAKH, we get the English words “ma” or “mama,” for mother. Ma later developed into “mater,” and eventually to the English word “mother.”

As a side note: it’s pretty “girls” such as Erica that men all over the world are now purchasing as human female companions (or sex robots, rather). One can imagine the demand when these AI girls that can be custom-made will become much more sophisticated—instead of dealing with the ups and downs that go with a relationship (not to mention the dating part, which many people find stressful), men can buy sex robots that can also be their partners. All they need to do is to program, and reprogram, their customized robot, and they get the exact partner they want. The same thing will be available for women; they will be able to buy male sex robots—they are already on the market in Japan. A study has shown that it is possible that women, even more so than men, will rely on android partners in the future, using them both as life companions and sex partners.

This may seem like a great depopulation program, and to some degree it might be, but the purpose with the sex robots is more for humans to get used to AI and to substitute human emotions for fake emotions of a lower range. Dr. Kurzweil has said in many interviews that we should not be concerned about population boundaries; with the Singularity, we will be able to accommodate everybody because we can use our resources better and even clean up our environment.

The Guardian writes,

Although the day when every household has its own Erica is some way off, the Japanese have demonstrated a formidable acceptance of robots in their everyday lives over the past year. [The Guardian, Dec. 31, 2015, Erica, the 'most beautiful and intelligent' android, leads Japan's robot revolution, op. cit. p>

As we can see, introducing AI to the public, and getting the public’s acceptance, is a piece of cake for the Controllers. Although Japan has been a technological society for a long time, people in the Western World obviously have no problem accepting AI either, referring to the number of devices being sold there on a daily basis.

In a future chapter, we will address the question that is on most people’s minds in terms of AI; will robots take over our jobs? If so, what are we going to do? However, here is an example of what is going on at this very moment. This quote refers to an event that happened in the summer of 2015:

…And this summer, a hotel staffed almost entirely by robots – including the receptionists, concierges and cloakroom staff – opened at the Huis Ten Bosch theme park near Nagasaki, albeit with human colleagues on hand to deal with any teething problems. [Ibid. op. cit.]

The Guardian report also brings up another interesting point on the subject of robots taking over our jobs. A report from the Japanese Nomura Research Institute predicts that nearly half of the jobs in Japan will soon be performed by robots. [, Dec. 4, 2015, Robots expected to run half of Japan by 2035]. To this, the scientist in charge of Erica, Hiroshi Ishiguro, replies (no emphasis necessary; this statement speaks for itself),

“I think Nomura is on to something,” says Ishiguro. “The Japanese population is expected to fall dramatically over the coming decades, yet people will still expect to enjoy the same standard of living.” That, he believes, is where robots can step in.

In Erica, he senses an opportunity to challenge the common perception of robots as irrevocably alien. As a two-week experiment with android shop assistants at an Osaka department store suggested, people may soon come to trust them more than they do human beings. [The Guardian, Dec. 31, 2015, Erica, the 'most beautiful and intelligent' android, leads Japan's robot revolution, op. cit.]

He does not, however, explain why and how the Japanese population is going to drop, but apparently he has some solid information on that. If Dr. Ishiguro is correct, the above statement has a chilling undertone; at the same time robots take over the market, creating mass unemployment as a result, this might also result in enhanced lives for those who lose their jobs but still want to keep their living standards.

Next page: Robots with an Attitude

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