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Author: Wes Penre

Synthetic Super Intelligence and
the Transmutation of Humankind

A Roadmap to the Singularity and Beyond

A critical study guide in Artificial Intelligence and the Singularity Movement.

Second Edition, July 29, 2016

Author: Wes Penre • Dedicated to all truth-seekers out there !

Copyright © 2016 Wes Penre Productions. All rights reserved. This is free of charge, which can be downloaded, quoted from, and copied to be shared with other people, as long as nothing is altered or quoted out of context. Not for commercial use.
Editing provided by Professor Bob Stannard:

Singularity: Table of Contents

The book as PDF (new window)


Title, Front page
Different Terms used in this Book
How References are used in this Book
How to use Discernment
What is Intuition?
Fire, Avatar and our Place in the Universe
Rapid expansion of the AI movement
The Nazis and AI
Disclosure of the ET Phenomenon

Part One: The Singularity Movement

1 Dr. Ray Kurzweil—A Short Introduction

1.1 Dr. Ray Kurzweil—A Short Introduction
1.2 Bill Gates on AI and the Singularity
1.3 Vaccinations, Chemtrails and Nanobots

2 Nanotechnology

2.1 Building Machines and Robots from Inside Out
2.2 Nanotechnology in the Media
2.3 Nanotechnology and Fertility

3 Transhumanism

3 Introduction to Transhumanism and the Singularity
3.1 Transhumanism, Patented Mind Control Technique
3.2 Breakdown of the Family Unit
3.2 Nedbrydningen af kernefamilien
3.3 The United Nations’ Role in Transhumanism
3.3.1 The Second Coming in new Perspective
3.4 Population Control and Transhumanism
3.5 How Transhumanism will Affect the Human Soul Group
3.6 Smart Cities and the Venus Project
3.7 Chemtrails and Nanobots

4 Ray Kurzweil’s Singularity

4.1 Ray Kurzweil's Monologue
4.2 Hopelessly Behind?
4.3 The Ra Material—the Law of One and AI
4.4 A Closer Look at the "Super Brain"
4.5 The Exponential Growth in Technology
4.6 A Brave New World of Nanobots
4.7 Kurzweil Admits to the Dangers of AI
4.8 A Peek Inside Kurzweil’s Book
4.9 When Do Humans Cease to be Human?
4.10 Machines and Intelligence

5 The Race for Immortality

5.1 How Science is Going to Save us from Ourselves
5.2 Google and Longevity
5.3 Artificial Consciousness
5.4 How Far are We from Immortality?
5.5 Funding Immortality
5.6 The Singularity from a “Bio-Human” Perspective
5.7 Preparations for Sending Posthumans into Space

6 AI in Corporations and in Media

6.1 Mother’s Little Helpers
6.2 Robots in the Medical Field
6.3 Robots Assisting Humans in Daily Commuting
6.4 Microchips
6.5 Smartphones
6.6 Smart Apartments
6.7 Smart Cities
6.8 The Future of the Internet
6.9 Technology and Children
6.10 A Pledge to all Mothers!
6.11 Rudolph the Reindeer becomes Robo the Artificial Braindeer

7 Holly Wood and the Music Industry

7 Holly Wood and the Music Industry
7.1 AI in the Film Industry
7.2 AI in the Music Industry

8 "Opposition" in Academia and Science

8.1 Voices against Jade Helm ‘15
8.2 Other concerned Voices from Academia
8.3 Stephen Hawking

9 Humanity’s War on Humanity

9.1 Humans and Electronics
9.2 The Global Warzone

10 AI “I am Lucifer’s Vessel!”

10.1 Synthetic Intelligence — Google’s AI
10.2 AI is not the Future—It’s Already Here!
10.3 Next step: Boosting everybody’s IQ!
10.4 Robo-Doctors and Virtual Reality Vacations on the Horizon
10.5 Our Brains Converted into Binary Code
10.6 Tirelessly Striving toward “Super-Intelligence”
10.7 Robots with Five Senses on the Rise!
10.8 For Robots, Learning is a Group Activity
10.9 Robots now Look like Humans
10.10 Robots with an Attitude
10.11 Killer Robots: A Reality!

11 Robot Sex and Marrying Robots Now Promoted in the Media

11.1 Why a Sex Robot?
11.2 Experts Debate: Should we have Sex with Robots?
11.3 Sex Robots that Look and Act more and more like Humans
11.4 Virtual Reality Sex—A Taste of Posthuman Sex Life

12 What Will Happen to our Jobs?

12.1 Robots Taking over the Job Industry
12.2 A few Ideas how to solve Mass Unemployment

13 Genetic Laboratories - Atlantis Revisited

13.1 The Fall of the old Atlantis — What Happened?
13.2 The Rise of the Machine Kingdom — the New Atlantis
13.3 Existing Technology for Posthuman Space-Travel
13.4 Genetic Engineering—From the Horse’s Mouth
13.5 Science and Immortality
13.6 How Cloning is used on Humans
13.7 How Cloning is used on Animals
13.8 More on Genetic Manipulation
13.9 The AI Trend in 2016

14 Becoming Gods

14.1 Famous Astrophysicist Michio Kaku on the Singularity
14.2 The Super Brain will not be Digital—it will be Analog
14.3 Will Destroying a Robot be Considered Murder?
14.4 Downloading Dead People’s Personalities
14.5 With Robots in our Brains we’ll be Godlike!
14.6 Information Upload Ready to Go

15 Bring in the Universal Soldier!

15.1 The Future is not Peace — it’s War!
15.2 New War Strategies
15.3 DARPA, War Strategies, and Super Soldiers
15.4 The Ban on “Killer Robots”
15.5 Consciousness can never be Duplicated
15.6 Jade Helm ’15 an AI Drill
15.7 Future Warfare in Summary

16 Atlantean Genetic Experiments in Disguise

16.1 Atlantean Genetic Experiments in Disguise
16.2 The Future of Animals
16.3 The Future of Plants

17 When Robots Surpass us a Billion-Fold

17.1 Telepathic Communication
17.2 AI and Equality
17.3 End of Privacy—Once and for All

18 The Gods of Technology and Warfare

19 The Ancient Race

19.1 The Builder Race
19.2 Lucifer’s Emissary
19.3 Proof of Interdimensional Entities?
19.4 A Fake Alien Invasion before the "Real Deal"?
19.5 The Second Coming is for all Religions
19.6 ETs in the Solar System
19.7 Briefly on Elon Musk’s “SpaceX” Program

20 Lucifer’s Legion

21 Are there Solutions?

Bibliography - not used in this book

Copyright © Wes Penre. You are on transhumanism.dkContact
